122. Tarek El-Messidi (Founder, CelebrateMercy)

Tarek El-Messidi was raised in Knoxville, Tennessee where he served two years as the local MSA President. In 2001, shortly after 9/11, he co-founded the first-ever Ramadan Fast-a-thon and coordinated the publication of a 45-page Fast-a-thon Organizing Manual. This manual, publicized by MSA National, enabled the annual charity to spread to 300 campuses worldwide raising over $1 million over the past 9 years to fight hunger.

Tarek went on to study Islam at various Deen Intensive programs and in Jordan for one year; he then returned to Tennessee to earn an MBA. While pursuing his MBA, he served as president of the Muslim Community of Knoxville.

In 2010, he founded CelebrateMercy which aims to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims on the life and character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In less than a year, its webcasts have reached thousands of viewers from over 80 countries, recruiting over 1,000 global volunteers and 10,000 Facebook fans.

He now works at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio and runs Malsi Marketing, providing marketing consulting for businesses and non-profits. Additionally, he currently serves on the Boards of SeekersGuidance and Clifton Mosque while volunteering with Zaytuna College.


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